Smarty: Array ( [nocache] => detail-3, detail-1, detail-6, detail-4 [session-1] => cr3n7jg3hiemc6ble00pmacro7 ) 1
php: Array ( [nocache] => detail-3, detail-1, detail-6, detail-4 [session-1] => cr3n7jg3hiemc6ble00pmacro7 ) 1
php: Array ( [nocache] => detail-3, detail-1, detail-6, detail-4 [session-1] => cr3n7jg3hiemc6ble00pmacro7 ) 1
antUserStatusInfo: Array ( [UserStatusFromSession] => Array ( [success] => 1 [antUserLoggedIn] => [antUserMail] => [antUserId] => 0 [antUserGroup] => [antState] => [antArea] => [antCountry] => [antAutoCountrie] => [antAutoUser] => ) [UserStatusChecked] => Array ( [antUserStatusSuccessful] => 0 [antUserStatusDoNothingMore] => 0 [antUserLoggedIn] => 0 [antUserLoginStep] => 2 [antKeineSession] => 0 [antKeineCookies] => 0 ) ) 1
ATSD Cookie: false--- Status beforeSet: false--- Status AfterSet: false--- Status OhneSet: false--- Status SessionID: cr3n7jg3hiemc6ble00pmacro7-- Cookie2: --- Status SessionID3: cr3n7jg3hiemc6ble00pmacro7--
Do you have questions in our shop?
Please give us a call +49 2204 839 516 or message us!
Offer exclusively for tradesmen & companies

Sample Processing Lapping Form

To provide you with the desired processing result in the area of lapping, we kindly ask you to carefully fill out the following form and send it to us along with the workpieces.

Sample Processing Lapping Form

Personal Information

Details about the Workpiece

What material is the workpiece made of?

What shape and size does the workpiece have?

To what extent has the workpiece been processed beforehand?

What is the initial surface area of the workpiece?

What is the processing dimension of the workpiece?

What surface finish must be achieved (e.g., Ra, Rz)?

How many workpieces need to be processed in total (pieces and time)?

Are there any special considerations to be taken into account during processing?


The fields marked with * are required.

I have read the data protection information.