Smarty: Array ( [care_did] => 28942f70-3832-4e3a-a8d1-eb821597b1ff [RWSESSID] => 282c74a3c115758739653fd92b182cc4 ) 1
php: Array ( [care_did] => 28942f70-3832-4e3a-a8d1-eb821597b1ff [RWSESSID] => 282c74a3c115758739653fd92b182cc4 ) 1
php: Array ( [care_did] => 28942f70-3832-4e3a-a8d1-eb821597b1ff [RWSESSID] => 282c74a3c115758739653fd92b182cc4 ) 1
antUserStatusInfo: Array ( [UserStatusFromSession] => Array ( [success] => 1 [antUserLoggedIn] => [antUserMail] => [antUserId] => 0 [antUserGroup] => [antState] => [antArea] => [antCountry] => [antAutoCountrie] => [antAutoUser] => ) [UserStatusChecked] => Array ( [antUserStatusSuccessful] => 0 [antUserStatusDoNothingMore] => 0 [antUserLoggedIn] => 0 [antUserLoginStep] => 2 [antKeineSession] => 0 [antKeineCookies] => 0 ) ) 1
ATSD Cookie: false--- Status beforeSet: false--- Status AfterSet: false--- Status OhneSet: false--- Status SessionID: 1fm1npasuhh4km5hlb7p5v77ka-- Cookie2: --- Status SessionID3: 1fm1npasuhh4km5hlb7p5v77ka--
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