ENESKArecoat 85
Impact-resistant and flexible for polishing, grinding and milling
Greater Maximum Coating Thickness
The ENESKArecoat 85 offers a maximum coating thickness increased by up to 30% compared to the previous model, thanks to an operating voltage of 52 volts (max) and a vibration frequency of 80-120 Hz. This allows for a 20% faster work rate and improved surface quality while preventing electrode annealing. Larger electrodes can also be used. The software comes with preset parameters for a quick start, and users can save and retrieve their individual experience values.
New, Ergonomically Shaped Handpiece
ENESKArecoat 85 has seen advancements in its handling as well. The innovative, ergonomically designed handpiece now features not only the traditional footswitch but also a convenient control button for managing the process. Built-in LEDs ensure optimal, glare-free illumination of the workspace and monitor electrode contact.
Properties of the Hard Metal Layer Part 1
The applied coating seamlessly bonds with the steel and withstands mechanical stress effortlessly. It remains intact even when subjected to impacts, compression, tension, or bending. The coating can only be removed through grinding or specialized blasting methods but can be reworked using diamond or silicon carbide. The underlying steel structure is not softened by the coating; in fact, it experiences an increase in hardness in the upper zone
Properties of the Hard Metal Layer Part 2
In certain steel alloys, the tungsten carbide layer can even penetrate the base material. This layer achieves an impressive hardness of up to 82 HR 30N without altering or distorting the workpiece. This significantly enhances surface strength and lifespan. Furthermore, the coating exhibits exceptional heat resistance, and the high level of hardness greatly boosts the wear resistance of the workpiece. The surface is uniform, devoid of directional structures, and maintains an average roughness of 2-9 μm.

Bessere Oberflächenergebnisse, schnellerer Auftrag, geringere Einsatzkosten: Mit dem neuen ENESKArecoat 85 präsentiert joke Technology nach zweijähriger Entwicklungsarbeit eine neue Generation von Hartmetall-Beschichtungsgerät.
Das Gerät dient dem einfachen und schnellen Beschichten besonders beanspruchter Flächen.
Durch Abbrennen einer Elektrode aus Wolframcarbid bei 2.800 Grad Celsius wird eine Hartmetallschicht aufgetragen, die eine Oberflächenhärte von maximal 82 HR 30 N erreicht.
Das Verfahren eignet sich vor allem für Werkzeuge, Vorrichtungen und Oberflächen, die besonders zäh, hart und verschleißfest sein müssen– wie Stanz- oder Biegewerkzeuge.
Das Prospekt für die nächste Generation der Hartmetallbeschichtung!
Jetzt downloaden!
ENESKArecoat 85 replaces tucadur - more powerful, faster, improved handling
Greater Maximum Coating Thickness
The ENESKArecoat 85 offers a maximum coating thickness increased by up to 30% compared to the previous model, thanks to an operating voltage of 52 volts (max) and a vibration frequency of 80-120 Hz. This allows for a 20% faster work rate and improved surface quality while preventing electrode annealing. Larger electrodes can also be used. The software comes with preset parameters for a quick start, and users can save and retrieve their individual experience values.
New, Ergonomically Shaped Handpiece
ENESKArecoat 85 has seen advancements in its handling as well. The innovative, ergonomically designed handpiece now features not only the traditional footswitch but also a convenient control button for managing the process. Built-in LEDs ensure optimal, glare-free illumination of the workspace and monitor electrode contact.
Properties of the Hard Metal Layer Part 1
The applied coating seamlessly bonds with the steel and withstands mechanical stress effortlessly. It remains intact even when subjected to impacts, compression, tension, or bending. The coating can only be removed through grinding or specialized blasting methods but can be reworked using diamond or silicon carbide. The underlying steel structure is not softened by the coating; in fact, it experiences an increase in hardness in the upper zone
Properties of the Hard Metal Layer Part 2
In certain steel alloys, the tungsten carbide layer can even penetrate the base material. This layer achieves an impressive hardness of up to 82 HR 30N without altering or distorting the workpiece. This significantly enhances surface strength and lifespan. Furthermore, the coating exhibits exceptional heat resistance, and the high level of hardness greatly boosts the wear resistance of the workpiece. The surface is uniform, devoid of directional structures, and maintains an average roughness of 2-9 μm.

Better surface results, faster application, lower operating costs: With the new ENESKArecoat 85, joke Technology presents a new generation of hard metal coating equipment after two years of development work.
The device is designed for easy and fast coating of particularly stressed surfaces.
By burning a tungsten carbide electrode at 2,800 degrees Celsius, a hard metal layer is applied, which achieves a surface hardness of up to 82 HR 30 N.
The process is particularly suitable for tools, fixtures, and surfaces that need to be extremely tough, hard, and wear-resistant - such as punching or bending tools.
The brochure for the next generation of hard metal coating!
Download now!
ENESKArecoat 85 löst tucadur ab – leistungsstärker, schneller, besseres Handling

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