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New: ENESKAmobile - polishing and grinding system
Impact-resistant and flexible for polishing, grinding and milling
Brand new: Video of the week
Here you will regularly find a short application video for special joke products. New every Monday... it's worth it.
Of course, the videos will remain after that. Browse the joke shop for the tool or material of your choice and you will come across our latest info media.

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Halle (Saale)
Bergisch Gladbach
Bergisch Gladbach
Bergisch Gladbach
Bergisch Gladbach
Stuttgart, Germany
Messezentrum Bad Salzuflen
Berlin, Fraunhofer IPK
joke news
More than 80 years of tradition
The daring man with his photographic box: this is how the joke success story actually began. For a young man who made the idea of building cameras out of old cigar boxes a reality and which also worked fantastically, into the bargain was destined to have a remarkable career. The man’s name was Robert Kettenbaum, studied electronic engineering and in 1940, ventured into self-employment with a repair business. This was the foundation of joke for half a century, the Cologne electrical dealer Josef Joisten was part of things as co-founder and partner.
Über 70 Jahre Tradition und Erfahrung
Der tollkühne Mann mit seinen fotografierenden Kisten: Damit fing eigentlich die Erfolgsstory von JOKE® an ...